Jump to letter: [
bglibs -
BG Libraries Collection
cdb -
Constant DataBase
choonscripts -
Scripts written in Python and bash to perform various system administration tasks
choonvdeliver -
qmail local deliver
clamav -
End-user tools for the Clam Antivirus scanner
cvm -
Credential Validation Modules
daemontools-encore -
A collection of tools for managing UNIX services
discount -
A command-line utility for converting Markdown files into HTML
djbdns -
Domain Name System tools
easy-rsa -
Simple shell based CA utility
fsarchiver -
Safe and flexible file-system backup/deployment tool
git2u -
Fast Version Control System
goaccess -
Real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer
jq -
Command-line JSON processor
jsoncpp -
JSON library implemented in C++
libdomainkeys -
DomainKey Implementor's library
libsodium -
The Sodium crypto library
libuv -
Platform layer for node.js
luajit -
Just-In-Time Compiler for Lua
mailfront-plugin-add-track-auth-sender -
A mailfront plugin to provide an ability to add authenticated sender information to message headers
mailfront-plugin-remotehost -
This plugin provides an ability for rejecting messages based on regular expressions in the senders' remotehost names aka TCPREMOTEHOST environment variable if found or otherwise remoteip aka TCPREMOTEIP is being used instead for mailfront.
openvpn -
A full-featured SSL VPN solution
python-cdbx -
cdbx is a CDB reimplementation for Python
python-ecdsa -
ECDSA cryptographic signature library
python-iptools -
A few useful functions and objects for manipulating IP addresses in python
python-rpm-macros -
The unversioned Python RPM macros
python-sshpubkeys -
OpenSSH Public Key Parser for Python
python-tai64n -
Converts TAI64(n) string to datetime.datetime (UTC) object
python-termcolor -
ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal
python-validate_email -
Python module for verifying if an email address is valid and really exists
python3-Cython -
A language for writing Python 3 extension modules
python3-coverage -
Code coverage testing module for Python 3
python3-lxml -
XML processing library combining libxml2/libxslt with the ElementTree API
python3-numpy -
A fast multidimensional array facility for Python 3
python36 -
Interpreter of the Python programming language
python36u -
Interpreter of the Python programming language
python36u-Click -
Simple wrapper around optparse for powerful command line utilities for Python 3.6
python36u-Cython -
A language for writing Python extension modules
python36u-PyYAML -
YAML parser and emitter for Python 3.6
python36u-acme -
Python 3.6 library for the ACME protocol
python36u-apipkg -
A Python 3.6 namespace control and lazy-import mechanism
python36u-asn1crypto -
Fast Python ASN.1 parser and serializer
python36u-astroid -
Common base representation of python source code for pylint and other projects
python36u-atomicwrites -
Python 3.6 Atomic file writes on POSIX
python36u-attrs -
Python 3.6 attributes without boilerplate
python36u-augeas -
Python 3.6 bindings to augeas
python36u-babel -
Library for internationalizing Python 3.6 applications
python36u-bcrypt -
Modern password hashing for your software and your servers
python36u-betamax -
VCR imitation for python-requests for Python 3.6
python36u-breathe -
Adds support for Doxygen xml output to reStructuredText and Sphinx
python36u-cdbx -
cdbx is a CDB reimplementation for Python
python36u-certbot -
A free, automated certificate authority client for Python 3.6
python36u-certbot-apache -
The apache plugin for certbot
python36u-certbot-nginx -
The nginx plugin for certbot Python 3.6
python36u-certifi -
Python 3.6 package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle
python36u-cffi -
Foreign Function Interface for Python 3.6 to call C code
python36u-chardet -
Character encoding auto-detection in Python 3.6
python36u-configargparse -
A Python module with support for argparse, config files, and env variables
python36u-configupdater -
Python 3.6
python36u-contextlib2 -
Backports and enhancements for the contextlib module for Python 3.6
python36u-coverage -
Code coverage testing module for Python 3.6
python36u-crypto -
Cryptography library for Python 3.6
python36u-dateutil -
Powerful extensions to the standard datetime module for Python 3.6
python36u-distro -
Linux Distribution - a Linux OS platform information API for Python 3.6
python36u-dnspython -
Python 3.6
python36u-docutils -
System for processing plaintext documentation
python36u-ecdsa -
ECDSA cryptographic signature library for Python 3.6
python36u-enchant -
Python 3.6 bindings for Enchant spellchecking library
python36u-entrypoints -
Discover and load entry points from installed packages for Python 3.6
python36u-eventlet -
Highly concurrent networking library for Python 3.6
python36u-execnet -
Elastic Python 3.6 Deployment
python36u-extras -
Useful extra bits for Python 3.6
python36u-filelock -
A platform independent file lock for Python 3.6
python36u-fixtures -
Fixtures, reusable state for writing clean tests and more for Python 3.6
python36u-flake8 -
Python 3.6 code checking using pyflakes, pycodestyle, and mccabe
python36u-flit -
Simplified packaging of Python 3.6 modules
python36u-git2changelog -
To convert git logs into formatted changelog entries using Python 3.6
python36u-greenlet -
Lightweight in-process concurrent programming for Python 3.6
python36u-hypothesis -
A library for property based testing
python36u-idna -
Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
python36u-imagesize -
Python 3.6 module for analyzing image file headers and returning image sizes
python36u-importlib-metadata -
Read metadata from Python 3.6 packages
python36u-importlib-resources -
Python 3.6
python36u-ipaddress -
Port of the python 3.3+ ipaddress module to 2.6+
python36u-iso8601 -
Simple module to parse ISO 8601 dates
python36u-isort -
Python utility / library to sort Python imports
python36u-jeepney -
Low-level, pure Python DBus protocol wrapper for Python 3.6
python36u-jinja2 -
General purpose template engine for Python 3.6
python36u-josepy -
JOSE protocol implementation in Python 3.6
python36u-jsonschema -
An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python 3.6
python36u-lazy-object-proxy -
A fast and thorough lazy object proxy
python36u-linecache2 -
Backport of the linecache module for Python 3.6
python36u-markupsafe -
Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python 3.6
python36u-mimeparse -
Python 3.6 module for parsing mime-type names
python36u-mock -
A Python Mocking and Patching Library for Testing
python36u-monotonic -
Python 3.6
python36u-more-itertools -
Python 3.6 library for efficient use of itertools utility
python36u-ndg_httpsclient -
Provides enhanced HTTPS support for httplib and urllib2 using python36u-PyOpenSSL
python36u-netifaces -
Python 3.6 library to retrieve information about network interfaces
python36u-nose -
Discovery-based unittest extension for Python 3.6
python36u-nose-xcover -
Extends nose.plugins.cover to add Cobertura-style XML reports
python36u-packaging -
Core utilities for Python 3.6 packages
python36u-paramiko -
SSH2 protocol library for python 3.6
python36u-pathlib2 -
Object-oriented filesystem paths for Python 3.6
python36u-pbr -
Python 3.6 Build Reasonableness
python36u-pluggy -
The plugin manager stripped of pytest specific details
python36u-ply -
Python 3.6 Lex-Yacc
python36u-process-tests -
Tools for testing processes
python36u-psutil -
A process and system utilities module for Python 3.6
python36u-py -
Library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities
python36u-pycodestyle -
Python 3.6 style guide checker
python36u-pycparser -
C parser and AST generator written in Python 3.6
python36u-pycryptodomex -
A self-contained cryptographic library for Python 3.6
python36u-pycurl -
A Python 3.6 interface to libcurl
python36u-pydocstyle -
Python docstring style checker for Python 3.6
python36u-pyflakes -
A simple program which checks Python 3.6 source files for errors
python36u-pygments -
Syntax highlighting engine written in Python 3.6
python36u-pylint -
Analyzes Python code looking for bugs and signs of poor quality
python36u-pynacl -
Python 3.6 binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library
python36u-pyparsing -
Python 3.6 package with an object-oriented approach to text processing
python36u-pyrfc3339 -
Generate and parse RFC 3339 timestamps
python36u-pyrsistent -
Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures for Python 3.6
python36u-pysocks -
A Python SOCKS client module
python36u-pytest -
Simple powerful testing with Python 3.6
python36u-pytest-cache -
Pytest plugin with mechanisms for caching across test runs
python36u-pytest-cov -
Pytest plugin for coverage reporting
python36u-pytest-flake8 -
Plugin for pytest to check PEP8 compliance with Flake8 for Python 3.6
python36u-pytest-forked -
py.test plugin for running tests in isolated forked subprocesses
python36u-pytest-pep8 -
Pytest plugin to check PEP8 requirements
python36u-pytest-runner -
Invoke py.test as distutils command with dependency resolution
python36u-pytoml -
Python 3.6 Parser for TOML
python36u-pyxdg -
Python 3.6 library to access freedesktop.org standards
python36u-repoze-sphinx-autointerface -
Auto-generate Sphinx API docs from Zope interfaces for Python 3.6
python36u-requests -
HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings
python36u-requests-toolbelt -
Utility belt for advanced users of python-requests for Python 3.6
python36u-rfc3986 -
Validating URI References per RFC 3986 for Python 3.6
python36u-setproctitle -
Python module to customize a process title
python36u-setuptools_scm -
The blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags
python36u-six -
Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
python36u-snowballstemmer -
Provides 16 stemmer algorithms generated from Snowball algorithms
python36u-sphinx -
Python 3.6 documentation generator
python36u-sphinx-testing -
Python 3.6 Testing utility classes and functions for Sphinx extensions
python36u-sphinx-theme-alabaster -
Configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme for Python 3.6
python36u-sphinx_rtd_theme -
Sphinx theme for readthedocs.org
python36u-sphinxcontrib-applehelp -
Sphinx extension for Apple help books for Python 3.6
python36u-sphinxcontrib-autoprogram -
Sphinx extension for documenting CLI programs
python36u-sphinxcontrib-devhelp -
Sphinx extension for Devhelp documents for Python 3.6
python36u-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp -
Sphinx extension for HTML help files for Python 3.6
python36u-sphinxcontrib-jsmath -
Sphinx extension for math in HTML via JavaScript for Python 3.6
python36u-sphinxcontrib-qthelp -
Sphinx extension for QtHelp documents for Python 3.6
python36u-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml -
Sphinx extension for serialized HTML for Python 3.6
python36u-sphinxcontrib-spelling -
A spelling checker for Sphinx-based documentation
python36u-sphinxcontrib-websupport -
Sphinx API for Web Apps for Python 3.6
python36u-sqlalchemy -
Modular and flexible ORM library for Python 3.6
python36u-sshpubkeys -
OpenSSH Public Key Parser for Python 3.6
python36u-tai64n -
Converts TAI64(n) string to datetime.datetime (UTC) object
python36u-termcolor -
ANSI Color formatting for output in terminal for Python 3.6
python36u-testpath -
Test utilities for code working with files and commands for Python 3.6
python36u-testscenarios -
Testscenarios, a pyunit extension for dependency injection for Python 3.6
python36u-testtools -
Extensions to the Python 3.6 unit testing framework
python36u-toml -
Python 3.6 Library for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language
python36u-tox -
Virtualenv-based automation of test activities
python36u-traceback2 -
Backport of the traceback module for Python 3.6
python36u-typed_ast -
A fork of the ast module with type annotations for Python 3.6
python36u-unittest2 -
The new features in unittest backported to Python 2.4+
python36u-urllib3 -
Python 3.6 HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling and file post
python36u-wcwidth -
Measures number of Terminal column cells of wide-character codes
python36u-webencodings -
Character encoding for the web for Python 3.6
python36u-websockify -
WSGI based adapter for the Websockets protocol
python36u-wheel -
A built-package format for Python 3.6
python36u-whoosh -
Fast, Python 3.6 full text indexing, search, and spell checking library
python36u-wrapt -
A Python 3.6 module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching
python36u-zipp -
Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files
qmail -
Qmail Mail Transfer Agent
qmail-autoresponder -
Autoresponder for qmail
qmail-queue-repair -
A qmail queue diagnostic and repair tool
qmail-services -
Provides additional qmail services using supervise run scripts (i.e. msad, smtpd, smtpsd ...)
relay-ctrl -
SMTP Relaying Control for qmail & tcpserver
supervise-scripts -
Utility scripts for use with supervise and svscan.
ucspi-ssl -
sslserver and sslclient are command-line tools for building SSL client-server applications
ucspi-tcp -
TCP client-server command-line tools
ucspi-unix -
UNIX-domain socket client-server command-line tools
vmailmgr -
Simple virtualizing POP3 password interface
web-assets -
A simple framework for bits pushed to browsers
zstd -
Zstd compression library